Thursday, September 29, 2011

North Carolina Homophobic Lawmaker Caught In Lies

I know that I am a few days behind on this post, but seriously every time I started to listen to the broadcast, I would either get very frustrated and stop listening or I would start laughing hysterically and have to stop as well.   Michaelangelo Signorile interviews North Carolina State Senator, James Forrester in regard to being one of the sponsors for the state bill to amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.  During the interview, Signorile asked what I felt were quite simple questions, ones that I knew that I would not agree with the answer....if there had been an real answer.  I have seriously watched this video, and read the transcript several times and I have yet to understand how #1) he made it through med do have to be smart to do that by the way and #2) how the hell he got elected to have a seat on the state senate.  (but then again if Sally Kern can make it....anyone can)  Oooh, the best part was, when he finally did have an answer to a question, it was totally debunked by Signorile with facts to prove it.   He is at often times left totally speechless!  Which I believe proves our point, they are making these laws for no other reason than for the simple fact that they can!

I absolutely loved Signorile's farewell to Senator Forrester;

"I want to thank your for speaking with us.  I'm sorry that you couldn't answer the questions.  I think it speaks to your own lack of education about this and your lack of answers, which is pretty appalling for a legislator.  And I think that the entire country is now seeing your embarrass yourself and embarrass the state of North Carolina.  Thank you for coming on today.  (Laughs)"  

I know that the interview is long but it is a definite must hear.  These are the types of people who are making these unjust, unconstitutional laws.   I know what my grandmother called them...but we will stick with douchnozzles!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I for one am appalled at the current state of American politics and the hypocrisy of the ... awwwwww, look at the cute little baby!!!! :P


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